Tuesday, 25 October 2011

World class rugger stripped to it's bare essentials!

Were you all watching the rugby world cup recently? You were? Wasn't it exciting, gripping stuff? Cool, well me too and well done to those Kiwis, but did you watch the Nude Blacks [almost] all male rugby team? You did? ...Oh you didn't....oh OK well I can tell you now that they got thrashed by the all female Spanish Conquistadors rugby team.

It seems the Kiwis have been playing nude rugby for the past ten years and decided to get the Official Tournament off to a resounding start by staging their own 'Alternative World Rugby Tournament' in a town called Duneine [I gather somewhere in Kiwi land]. The score was 20 to 25 to the girls but they were not sure if the positive score had anything to do with the girls promising to remove an article of clothing every time they scored a try? Anyhow the girls were warned before the match that they were not to hold onto their oponents tackle in a tackle and the guys were told to make sure the women didn't grab their balls as well as the ball! In the end however it was all clean good natured fun from what we hear.

During the match a spectator, who was clearly also a Harry Potter fan, was apparently heard to say, "I would like to stick my wand in their chamber of secrets!".

So what has this got to do with technology and the Internet you may ask? Well bugger all! But I'm here to keep you amused as well. Anyway if you'd like to check out the Nude Blacks' tackle techniques or if you've always wanted to know how people play with odd shaped balls, why don't you check out the game for yourself on Youtube, just click here: The bare essentialls

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